Bad Girl's Guide

Monday, May 05, 2008

Love At First Sight

Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you experienced it – and was it “the real thing” or lust?

After last week's TMI, I got an email from a reader that was utterly surprised that I don't believe in love at first sight.

This belief I had when I was in my teens, but somewhere between my first heartbreak and my last, I realistically came to the conclusion that there isn't such thing as love at first sight. It's a romanticized Hollywood media version of what love could be but not the pragmatic view of what love really is. How can you claim to love a person when you don't even know a thing about them?

I'm sure there are numerous stories of people that claim 'love at first sight', but when questioning them on what they loved about the other person, they would respond and say it was a physical attribute or the way they moved. That's not love darling, that's attraction. Attraction occurs in the first 3 seconds of meeting someone. It's this attraction that prompts you to go over and talk to them and try to get to know them. Attraction is instinctual and can be deep, often mixed with feelings of eros, desire and passion. However attraction is not love. Love is too great and grand to be simply just one dimensional like that.

To fall in love is not just a delight of the eyes, it's a connection of the spirit, a conflagration of all your inner psyche meshing to cry out that you love. It's a feeling that starts off so tiny you barely recognize it and then grows daily and the more time you spend with the person. We fall in love with each other's characters, with our personalities and with the people we see them as.

So how about you? Do you believe in love at first sight?

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Posted by Vixen @ 12:26 AM :: 4 trainees letting it rip!

Talk to Me!
