Bad Girl's Guide

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Plastic Surgery

There is a new campaign that is headed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery called 'Be Wise About Beauty'. The campaign's mission is to educate consumers while eradicating common misconceptions regarding plastic and cosmetic surgery.

I'm not a great believer in plastic surgery unless under extreme medical situations, but I know that our generation has gotten really hooked on plastic surgery as a way to create the 'perfect body' that you've always wanted. Of course, being that our perception of beauty is skewed anyway, the perfect body turns out looking like a scary, stick-like Barbie android with huge eyes, huge lips, huge tits and skinny frame.

It's more important to realise that your features and your body is unique and special to you. You are created beautiful and wonderfully crafted in God's image. Why would you want to mess that up with silicone, Botox, fat injections and all sorts of strange concoctions?

Anyway, check out the Campaign for Beauty and if you have a free moment, take the test to see if you are ready for plastic surgery.

You can learn more here:



Posted by Vixen @ 12:48 AM :: 3 trainees letting it rip!

Talk to Me!
