Bad Girl's Guide

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bad Habits

Definition: A Bad Habit is a repititious role that a women finds herself in with dating and relationships. Eventually, you realize that you are essentially dating varying shades of the same man. The ones that you know you need to Stay Away From but can seem to shake.

They say that ignorance is bliss, and yet knowing is half the battle. As sassy, sexy and scintillating that I am, even I have a bad habit. I tend to date Emotionally Challenged men ~ ECs. Looking very harshly at the murky depths of the last 7 years, I realize that each and every one of my boyfriends have been unavailable in one shape or form.

Why is it that I'm constantly drawn to the unavailable? I had a happy childhood, didn't start dating until I was mature 18, and figured out this dating thing pretty early (or so I thought). It's been the same story over and over again. While I realize (with my 50/50 hindsight) that a couple of them were total turds and one was gay...however, the one common facet of each failed relationship is me.

I chose them from a plethora of guys angling for my attention...out of the 100,000 guys on the planet that I would actually think of dating, I selected the five ECs of the bunch. Although, my judgement was probably clouded a few times with sex, lust, infatuation and gratitude, I still chose to be with the ECs. Over and over again.

There was an article I read a while back that stated that it takes 16-19 days to make or break a habit. Using this module, I'm just going to take it one fortnight at a time. I will forcefully pull myself from this practice and make a definite change. No more wasting time with ECs. I've got to move on to someone better and more deserving of my attentions.

I'm making a conscious effort from now on to break my bad habit. I hope you do the same for yours. Good luck.


Posted by Vixen @ 12:36 AM :: 2 trainees letting it rip!

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