Bad Girl's Guide

Friday, August 05, 2005

Booty Calls

Definition: I really have to define this one??? A booty call is that phone call you get between 10pm and dawn from a guy that just wants to knock boots with you. No strings, no commitments, just freaky sex.

Baaad Girls aren't booty calls. See, we don't sit by the phone waiting for that guy to call us asking for some sex, Baaad girls pick up the phone and initiate the booty call. We know when we want it, from whom and how. Plus, we love to be the one in control.

The only drawback from a booty call is that iffy moment a few weeks into the quest of the perfect lay. Women have big hearts and sooner or later, our big hearts get in the way and we begin to have feelings for this guy tool. And this is where the trouble begins...

You see, once you have put yourself on the level of casual sex kitten, it's hard to work your way up to something more. If you want something more, you are going to have to fight for it tooth and nail. He probably won't want the change of status...after all, why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? Besides, alot of guys are worthy enough to be your stud, but definitely not good enough to be your man. It takes more than skills in the bedroom to capture a Baaad Girl.

If you are going to have a booty call, make sure you separate your heart as much and as soon as possible. For some reason, men are able to do this with alarming regularity. However for us, when sex enters the picture, we start having "feelings and emotions". This sticky situation is just hard and we need to stop setting ourselves up for heartbreak.

I once had a perfect booty call. Just a casual friend who wanted no commitments with just plain ol' freaky sex and nothing more. Wednesday nights...11pm. It worked for me...for about 3 months (which is longer than most). The day he had some chick over at 11pm on a Wednesday night was the last day I used his services. I don't like women on MY turf, in my time zone. I don't share my dick toys.

Now even though you may have a regular booty call, you still need to protect yourself. At ALL times. Triple protection is better than one. My personal fav, the patch, the condom and spermicide jelly. One can never be too careful, especially with all the creepy crawlies around, the untrustworthy men and the crazy ass heifers that feel everything with a dick belongs to them.

I have an honesty policy with all my booty calls. I know it's being picky but I prefer monogamous sex. If he can't be monogamous, then he can't be my dick. Plain and simple.

And realize that you cannot use a Recycled Man for your booty call. This is just full of so many pitfalls, you two have history, drama, feelings on all sides. Unless you have a hankering for more drama in your life, I wouldn't advise messing with a recycled man.

Also, let's not be the crazy ass heifer that knowingly steals some other woman's man dick. There are more than enough men to go around....MORE THAN ENOUGH. After all, a booty call doesn't have to be an ideal man, he just has to know how to satisfy a woman...PROPERLY.


Posted by Vixen @ 12:36 AM :: 12 trainees letting it rip!

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