Bad Girl's Guide

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Book Review: The Single Girl's Survival Guide

There are hundreds if not thousands of books out there that talk about moving from a staid, lonely onesome to an adorable and loving two-some; however, Imogen Lloyd Webber takes the other stance, proving what our generation is shouting loud and clear, being single is fuckin’ fabulous!

I’m always skeptical with books that promise alot like this in the title, however with this Guide, I ended up pleasantly surprised. She writes this book from her personal collection of a life of a saucy Singleton and attacks every single topic from snarly fuck buddies to getting your own house, car and living space. Every single page of this book is chock full of ideas that will make you realize (as if you don’t already do), that being single isn’t synonymous with being lonely, bored and unfulfilled. From traveling the world, attracting guys, saving money, having great sex to amassing a wicked collection of shoes, Imogen addresses alot of the pros of the single life as well as the cons.

Speaking of the cons, she has delightful chapters with ideas of how to get out of and deal with awful first dates, friends hooking you up and blind dates as well as weddings, work parties and any other occasion where your single-ness might be criticized harshly. In addition, she has a feisty message that will have you flipping the tables on the Twosomes, proving to them that life is still fabulously vibrant by your self!

There is so much covered in it’s full 192 pages, but what I found most funny were the acronyms. She had all kinds of acronyms and nicknames for every situation, like Gay Best Friend (GBF), Promise Much Deliver Little (PMDL) and so many more. That floored me more than anything, keeping up with the meanings of all the acronyms, but if you can get past that, you will have a very scintillating and inspiring read, one that will have you shouting with a loud voice, “Yes I’m Single and Loving it!”

Check it out HERE.


Posted by Vixen @ 2:59 AM :: 0 trainees letting it rip!

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