Bad Girl's Guide

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Interview with Ian Coburn

Okay, back from the self imposed silence.

As regular readers know, I've been in a rut creatively the last year or so. The blog, which was started as a personal journal of advice to my kid sister, had grown into something more, something that I didn't know what to do with. I like making little waves...big waves freak me out. I'm sure if any therapist analyzed this they would say it has something to do with my childhood (which was great for the most part, but the celebrity thing growing up has me craving anonymity like a drug)....

Anyway, to fight the Writer's Block, I diverged my writing into another avenue., starting from scratch and creating something new, another blog that showed a deeper and scarier side of me---the part that I don't usually want to talk about, the part that I avoid at all costs. I realized that I could help people by talking about the horrible monster that I fight on a daily that was bigger and scarier than dating, sex, men, relationships and breakups all combined.

The truth is, finding my voice on SSCKMA led me to losing my voice on the Bad Girls Guide.

Y'all can thank Ian Coburn, the dynamic, very eloquent and hilarious comedian/writer for bringing me back to the BGG and out of my writing doldrums---mainly because he very persistantly hounded me for answers to his questions. (I'm not saying he's a stalker, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like one...u get my drift;)

He asked me some thought provoking questions, deep ones that made me re-identify my inner Bad Girl and made me question my perceptions of relationships. He definitely approaches dating in a whole new and amazingly effective way, if all the men use this system, they would be getting alot more dates, that's for sure!

If you are looking for a great gift for the guy friend/brother/coworker in your life, then send them a copy of his book "God is a Woman". The title alone grabbed me, but the logic and insight in the's scintillating. I always thought God was a woman btw! I heartily recommend every woman to read it ---it gives you a bird's eye view into how most men view women and the stuff that scares men away running as fast as they can go in the other direction.

Without further ado, Here is part one of my interview


Posted by Vixen @ 4:50 AM :: 0 trainees letting it rip!

Talk to Me!
