Bad Girl's Guide

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

True Hook Up Confessions

I recently stumbled on this site, True Hoook Up Confessions, that allows us to get all those crazy, dirty secrets off our chests in a totally anonymous fashion. Think of it as the Post Secret for relationships, the site is fun, easy to use and there are already a bunch of secrets on there.

Some of them are so out of this world that I can't believe someone would do, but there are some that are you can totally relate to. There is a comments section to sound off on the secrets that you identify with or give some feedback. The whole site is fun and easy to use, and it looks great too.

It's about time someone thought about this, I mean, everyone has a relationship secret in the past, present or future that you are dying to dish about but don't want anyone to know it's you.

So give it a whirl right here. I already turned in my secret;)

Posted by Vixen @ 3:16 PM :: 4 trainees letting it rip!

Talk to Me!
