Bad Girl's Guide

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Men & Porn pt 1

Almost every single guy on God's green earth has been exposed one time or another to porn. Show me a guy that doesn't like porn and I'll show you a guy that's a flat out liar, has been many a phrase uttered by a jaded woman. Most of them like it, and some even take multiple and regular forays down this avenue. I'm sure you've heard of stories where the guy can't orgasm unless a snuff film is playing, or guys who jack off while on internet porn sites. It's a billion dollar industry for a reason--the demand is there.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem whatsoever with it. I've even been known to watch a few snuff PORN films myself. But besides the voyeuristic tendency that draws most viewers, what is it that makes it to some more important than sex? This is a question that we all wonder...."What is it with men and their fascination with porn?"

There is a huge dissension among the ranks of feminism who state the porn is demeaning and objectifies women. This argument is one I prefer not to get into. The Mistress had some thoughts on it that broadened my original view:
"Porn Stars and prostitutes may be degrading themselves by the choices they make, but them being hoes and porn chicks has no detrimental affect on ME as a woman, nor are all women adversely affected by their choices. We need to cut the double standards. A man in a porn flick isn't "setting the progress of all men back" and a woman in a porn flick isn't "setting the progress of all women back". It's entertainment. She's getting paid to entertain and this is a choice she has made for herself. An adult woman is responsible for her own semblance of self respect and she is solely responsible for keeping herself out of degrading situations. If she's degraded by what she does, she needs to remove herself from it. She's not a victim, in my eyes...." Read her full post on it HERE, click on it, it's pretty good stuff!
Dr. Annie is crafting a survey on a woman's views on pornography. What questions do you think should be on the survey? Check out her post HERE.

In fact, if your boyfriend idolizes porn stars, does this make you feel inadequate/insecure in anyway?

This is one of those questions where I think we need a guys perspective. Please, illuminate us on what the big deal is about porn.

Your thoughts?


Posted by Vixen @ 12:26 AM :: 9 trainees letting it rip!

Talk to Me!
